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Top 12 coding skills to learn in 2023

Posted on July 18, 2023 by Samir Basnet
Top 12 coding skills to learn in 2023

Here is the list for Top 12 coding skills to learn in 2023. These skills serves you to upskill the world of coding. We have jointly involved the sites where you can easily learn the following skills.

Here are some of the top 12 coding skills to learn in 2023 with their urls.

1. HTML - html.com

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a fundamental coding language used for creating and structuring web pages. It is the backbone of any website and is responsible for defining the content and layout of a webpage.

HTML uses a system of tags to mark up the elements within a webpage. Tags are enclosed within angle brackets (< and >) and come in pairs - an opening tag and a closing tag. The opening tag indicates the start of an element, while the closing tag denotes the end of that element.

HTML allows you to create various types of elements on a webpage such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, lists, tables, forms and more. These elements are used to structure the content and provide additional functionality.

2. CSS - web.dev/learn/css

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a coding language used to control the visual appearance of a website. It works together with HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to define how elements on a webpage should look such as colors, fonts, spacing and positioning.

CSS is like a set of instructions that tells a web browser how to make a webpage look pretty and organized. It helps you control the colors, fonts and layout of your website making it more visually appealing to visitors.

CSS allows you to separate the presentation of a webpage from its content. This separation makes it easier to maintain and update the design of a website without having to modify the underlying HTML structure. By using CSS, you can create consistent styles across multiple web pages, making your website visually appealing and user-friendly.

3. React - reactplay.io

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows you to create interactive and dynamic web applications by efficiently managing the components of your application.

With React, you can break down your user interface into reusable components. Each component represents a specific part of your application's UI such as a button, form or navigation bar. These components can have their own logic and state which make them self-contained and easy to manage.

React uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to efficiently update and render components. When there are changes in the state of a component, React updates only the necessary parts of the UI, rather than reloading the entire page. This makes React fast and efficient resulting in a smoother user experience.

4. Javascript- javascript.info

JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity and functionality to websites. It runs on the client-side, meaning it executes in the web browser of the user. JavaScript allows you to create interactive elements on a webpage.

You can respond to user actions like button clicks, form submissions, mouse movements and update the content or behavior of the page accordingly. With JavaScript, you can dynamically modify and update the content of a webpage without reloading the entire page.

JavaScript empowers web developers to build interactive, dynamic and engaging websites by adding functionality, manipulating content and responding to user actions.

5. GIT: git-scm.com

Git is a version control system that helps developers manage and track changes to their code. It allows multiple people to work on a project simultaneously, keeping track of all modifications made to the files.

Git uses a repository to store all the files and their versions. It works as a folder that contains your project. Git maintains a complete history of all changes made to your code. This allows you to view previous versions, compare changes, and even revert back to a previous state if needed.

Git allows you to create branches, which are separate copies of your project. This enables you to work on different features or fixes without affecting the main project. Branches help to keep your work organized and prevent conflicts when multiple people are collaborating.

6. Python: learnpython.org

Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It is widely used for various purposes i.e. web development, data analysis, automation and more.

Python uses a clear and straightforward syntax that emphasizes readability. It avoids complex symbols and focuses on using plain english words and punctuation.

Python is an interpreted language, meaning that it doesn't need to be compiled before running. You can write Python code in a text editor and directly execute it using an interpreter which interprets and executes the code line by line.

7. SQL- w3schools.com

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used for managing and manipulating databases. It allows you to store, retrieve, modify and delete data in relational database management systems (RDBMS). SQL operates on databases that store organized data.

SQL provides commands for manipulating data within tables. You can use the INSERT statement to add new rows of data, the SELECT statement to query and retrieve specific data, the UPDATE statement to modify existing data, and the DELETE statement to remove data from tables.

SQL is a language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. It allows you to create, retrieve, modify and delete data from tables, apply filtering and sorting, perform calculations on data, and establish relationships between tables.

8. Blockchain - cryptozombies.to

Blockchain is a distributed and decentralized technology that securely records and validates transactions. It provides transparency, security and immutability for various applications beyond cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize industries by enabling trust, reducing intermediaries and enhancing data integrity.

Blockchain operates on a peer-to-peer network where each node maintains a copy of the entire blockchain. This decentralized nature eliminates the need for a central authority, such as a bank or government to validate and authenticate transactions.

9. Vue js - learnvue

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that simplifies the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces. It offers reactive components, two-way data binding, directives, a template syntax, and various mechanisms for component communication.

Vue.js is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and excellent developer experience. Vue.js uses a concise and intuitive template syntax inspired by HTML. You can use expressions, conditionals, loops and filters within templates to dynamically generate HTML content.

Vue.js is highly extensible allowing you to customize and extend its functionality to suit your needs. You can create custom directives, filters and mixins or integrate third-party libraries seamlessly.

10. AI - elementsofai.com

AI (Artificial Intelligence) refers to the development of computer systems or machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. It involves creating intelligent algorithms and models that enable computers to learn, reason and make decisions.

AI is a rapidly evolving field with a wide range of applications across industries including healthcare, finance, education, transportation and more. It continues to drive innovation and reshape the way we interact with technology and solve complex problems.

11. Machine Learning - freecodecamp.org/learn/machine-learning-with-python

Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that focuses on the development of algorithms and models that enable computers to learn from data and improve their performance without being explicitly programmed.

It involves the creation of mathematical models that can recognize patterns, make predictions or take decisions based on input data. Machine Learning models are built using various algorithms and techniques. These models are designed to identify patterns and relationships within the training data.

12. Nextjs - nextjs.org/learn

Next.js is a popular React framework used for building server-side rendered (SSR) and static websites. It adds additional features and simplifies the development process by providing built-in routing, server-side rendering and other optimizations.

Next.js is widely adopted for building web applications, static websites, and even hybrid mobile apps. It offers a developer-friendly environment, improves performance through server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, simplifies routing and API integration. Its flexibility and feature set make it a popular choice for React developers.

Suggested: Best websites to start learning Programming Languages.

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